Resources & Opportunities

Get your hands dirty in labs, fieldwork, and community service.

Do anthropology in the Logan Museum of Anthropology, which houses materials from across the globe. Take advantage of on and off-campus clubs and opportunities. Enhance your studies outside the classroom in places such as Indonesia, Costa Rica, Australia, Ghana, Washington DC, and England.

On-Campus Opportunities

Logan Museum of Anthropology

The Frances Bristol collection at the Logan Museum, Beloit College. The Logan Museum of Anthropology is a teaching museum that engages the Beloit College community in learning about the world’s cultures, anthropology, and museology. Through our collections and programs, we foster the integration of knowledge and experience to enrich liberal learning.

Anthropology Club

Join Anthropology Club and help organize exciting field trips, lectures, and community-building activities throughout the year.


Sammi Kinard'16 photographs seed jars in Mata Ortiz, Mexico, during a collecting trip last winter. She was drawn to Mata Ortiz ... Apply for a Lockwood Field School Scholarship to support an anthropology field school experience in archaeology, ethnography, forensics, primatology, etc. You can also apply for a Mouat Whiteford Research grant to fund a collaborative project with an anthropology faculty member. 

Honors in Anthropology

Strong anthropology students are invited to propose a senior honors project. Students can apply for a Mouat Whiteford research grant to help fund their thesis project.

More Opportunities: Off-Campus Studies

An appreciation and understanding of human cultural diversity is one of the hallmarks of contemporary anthropology, and although we do not require it, we strongly urge our majors to study abroad and to learn a foreign language.

A description of off-campus study programs that may be of interest to majors and information about planning for off-campus study can be found on the Study Abroad website.

We make every effort to accommodate difficult schedules and often are able to count coursework taken abroad as part of the major. Students should begin planning early in their careers for study abroad in order to assure that they will be able to complete all institutional requirements as well as study abroad in four years. First year is not too early!

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