After Beloit

They did it.  So can you!

Noelle Chun '05第一次开始她的动作学习是作为体操运动员. At Beloit, she participated ...

Noelle Chun '05 first started her movement studies as a gymnast. At Beloit, 她参加了真人国际菠菜,并对如何将自己的身体知识转移到舞蹈中感到好奇. 灵感来自于她在贝洛伊特的舞蹈同事和导师, Chris Johnson and Margaret Rennerfeldt, Noelle immersed herself into the dance community. Since graduating in 2005, 她的表演和编舞已经通过她自己的独立作品在大西洋中部展出, with the improvisational trio Like You Mean It, 并通过前景舞蹈的特定场地活动. 过去的项目得到了大哥伦布艺术委员会和俄亥俄州艺术委员会的赠款和奖学金的支持. 她曾任职于俄亥俄州立大学和俄亥俄卫斯理大学, teaching improvisation and technique courses. Currently, 她是VSA Ohio的社区组织者和管理员,也是他们可能是舞者的成员. 2008年,她在俄亥俄州立大学获得舞蹈艺术硕士学位.


Fatima Quander '02是一位有成就的专业演员,演员权益协会的骄傲成员...

Fatima Quander '02 is an accomplished professional actor, 美国演员权益协会(AEA)和美国电视和广播艺术家协会(SAG-AFTRA)荣誉会员。. She has performed with FRESHH Inc. Theatre Company, DC Hip Hop Theatre Festival, Rep Stage, Everyman Theatre, Baltimore Center Stage Education, Theater of the First Amendment, the Folger Elizabethan Theatre, Imagination Stage, and Discovery Theater; she has also performed in the house and on tour with The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Additionally, 她曾出现在许多国家和地区的商业广告,包括丰田, Under Armour and Dick's Sporting Goods, DC Health Link, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, and Navy Federal Credit Union (among others).

A native Washingtonian, 她获得了纽约演员工作室戏剧学院的艺术硕士学位和伯洛伊特学院的戏剧表演学士学位. 她与FRESHH公司的格里奥女孩青少年社会活动团体合作. Theatre Company in Anacostia, DC. FRESHH是一个草根嘻哈剧院,其目标是培养和庆祝黑人妇女和女孩在剧院的声音. Through this programming, 女孩们利用嘻哈戏剧创作和呈现精心设计的表演,描绘她们自己的挣扎和坚韧的故事.



Megan McQuillan ’99, Joel Reamer ’99, Mary Leach ’00 , Faezeh Jalali ’01 , Elly Jaresko (Jarvis) ’01, Luisa Vitor-Fraser ’01 , Hanifa Washington ’01 , Celâl Eldenіz ’02 , Sellus (Bessinger) Wilder ’03, Maura Kidwell ’04,Erin Phillips ’05, Sarah Bowden ’09, Jordana Burke ’09, Jacob Williams ’11, Matthew Alan Porter ’12, Simone Stadler ’13, Alen Keric ’14, Calago Hipps ’15, Alice Gehrke ’16, Orianna O’Neill ’16, Aria Shannon ’16, Rebekah Evans ’18, Abby McCully ’18 

Daniella Weiser 1999年毕业,获得戏剧和心理学学位. Immediately after gradu...

Daniella Weiser '99 graduated with degrees in Theatre and Psychology. Immediately after graduation, Weiser开始以舞台管理和自由职业风景设计师和风景画家的身份从事专业工作. 在专业剧院工作多年并读研究生之后, 她是康涅狄格大学戏剧艺术系的驻校助理教授,担任康涅狄格话剧团的布景艺术家.

Joey Hernandez '11 Joey Hernandez ’11 第一代大学毕业生获得B.A. in Dance and Health & 他有幸回到伯洛伊特学院担任舞蹈系和上进项目的客座讲师. 他从中西部搬到了加利福尼亚州的奥克兰,并将于2021年毕业,获得硕士学位.F.A in Dance from Mills College. 在搬到湾区之前,乔伊是威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校的兼职舞蹈教师, University of Wisconsin Madison, and Carthage College. 在他的大学教学职位之前,他是芝加哥千禧舞蹈中心的教员. Performance credits include: Carnival Los Angeles & Chicago, The Millennium Experience, The Miss Illinois Pageant, Harvest Chicago Contemporary Dance Festival, Summerfest (Milwaukee, WI), Wisconsin Sports Awards, and Legends in Concert (Las Vegas, NV).

乔伊有幸为芝加哥编舞嘉年华做过舞蹈表演, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, and The Milwaukee School of the Arts. 乔伊曾在芝加哥德保罗大学客座授课, IL), Athletic Garage (Pasadena, CA), East Coast Edge (Boston, MA). 除了指导威斯康星舞蹈大师公司, Southern Association of Dance Masters, and Chicago National Association of Dance Masters. 乔伊有幸在《真人国际菠菜》和《真人国际菠菜》国际频道担任评委近十年.

通过Instagram: joey_hernandez23了解Joey最近在社交媒体上的最新作品.

Read about other DANCE alumni

Claire Alrich ’13, Nora Anderson ’13, Mika Banks ’05, Sandy Bogar ’10, Heather Budd ’01, Lynsay Bush ’10, Brad Christensen ’00, Cayte Connell ’04, Kate Corby ’99, Agnotti Cowie ’09, Erika Curry-Elrod ’08, Liz Freeman ’12, Cameron Growden ’07, Allisa-Zee Hartman ’04, Marcus Hayes ’99, Clare Hogan ’03, Maggie Koller ’06, Benjamin Law ’05, Sarah McCalister ’98, Jamie (Scott) McDowell ’04, Chrystle Mercer ’08, Sally Murphy ’09, Rachel Oliver ’07, Leah Raffanti ’05, Heather Seabury ’02, Jeanne Pfeffer ’07, Larissa Thomas ’06, Liz Young ’99


Zitzelsberger and Logas perform Riven

Dancing on the fringe

舞蹈教授克里斯·约翰逊去年五月与校友莎拉·艾伦·米勒15岁和学生艾玛·洛加斯25岁合作创作了一部新作品. 这支舞蹈被邀请参加今年秋天的埃尔金艺穗节,在劳动节周末举行. 因为米勒不能参加艺穗节的表演, Johnson invited Kateri Zitzelsberger’26 to step in. Logas and Zitzelsberger…

Dance students, left to right: Grace Scott’22, Quynn Evans’23, Julia Newmark’25, Millie Engstrom’24, Emma Logas’25, Charline Davis-Alicea’22, Emily O’Brien’22, Kelli Badgley’22, and Mateo Marek’24 in Berlin seeing the city


5月15日,在2022年开学后不久,9 dance 学生们前往德国柏林参加伯洛伊特学院 Global Engagement Seminar of immersive dance study, creation and performance.

Grace Scott’22 in her film Grenadine


Grace Scott, 今年五月以优异成绩从生物化学专业毕业, had her dance film Grenadine 从众多的参赛作品中脱颖而出 ADF Movies by Movers Festival in North Carolina.

Samantha Abrams’17

Fulfilling a Desire to Return to Latin America

萨曼莎·艾布拉姆斯的西班牙语技能让她实现了回到拉丁美洲的目标, 这次是HubSpot在哥伦比亚的客户支持团队负责人.

Kaela Evans19 works with a fellow peer in the lab.

Making a positive difference

刚毕业的化学工程师凯拉·埃文斯19届(21届), 华盛顿大学)热衷于在世界上做好事,并把它传递出去.

Jenni Reinke ' 05在她的舞蹈剧院公司重新焕发生机的历史建筑中跳舞.

Bringing Them Out of the Shadows

In Mrs. Wrights , Jenni Reinke ' 05讲述了对弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特影响最大的女性的故事. 她在她的舞蹈剧院公司重新焕发生机的历史建筑中演出.

Gabe Gonzalez’20

Gabe Gonzalez’20 Fulbright Scholar and Dance Artist

Gabe, who graduated from Beloit in 2020, 他的双学位是舞蹈和社会学,他认为自己是墨西哥人, Chinese artist who enjoys mixing artistic mediums, and finds playing with drag, video, 摄影是他创作过程中很重要的一部分. 看到他毕业后所取得的成就,我们都很激动.


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